Strangely Alright

Strangely Alright 2018
Strangely Alright is a quirky, colorful band of brothers that create rock sprinkled with some electronics and a lyrical message to be who you are and that love is the answer. The peace and love vibe along with some crunchy guitars and pretty harmonies give a sound of that has, as Rockford Rowley from The Weekly Volcano says, “an undeniable emotional appeal. Ringing, triumphant chords and lyrics that allude to conquered tribulations immediately make the music relatable to everyone." And time can have a tricky way of beating people down and telling them to forget who they wanted to be and who they are. The fact that some members of the strangely clan are in recovery brings to mind the reality that people can find what was once lost.
SA’s rocking “Come On” was given the honor of being the lead track on the London Bridge recorded “One Take Pacific Northwest Volume 1” that was released in 2016.
Recently Regan and Sean wrote the theme song for the syndicated radio show “True Fidelity" and SA's music was included on the hit Seattle sketch comedy show "The 206"..
Critical acclaim for their recent singles along with shows at the prestigious Art On The Ave and The Western Washington State Fair and appearances on Click 98.9 FM's HOMEGROWN and The Spud Goodman Show have been some of the band's recent highlights. .
Strangely Alright's last CD ‘The Time Machine Is Broken’ received rave reviews and radio airplay from around the world, including Great Britain, Australia and Sweden!
A track from the album, “Crying Shame”, was nominated for the NWME song of the year in the alt/classic rock category and recently SA's music was included on the hit Seattle sketch comedy show "The 206". They have been featured artist on a number of northwest shows including NWCZ’s ‘The Convergence Zone”, ‘The Aquarium” and “The Internal Narcissist”.
SA Singer Songwriter Regan Lane has had placement and airplay of his heartfelt pop and rock songs on numerous TV shows throughout the US, including A&E's Biography,NBC Sports,VH1's Top Twenty Countdown and Best Week Ever, Anthony Bourdains' No Reservations and Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew along with many other cable and network shows.
His jubilant pop song 'U Won't Believe' was heard on NBC's "Race across America" and was also the theme song for "Puget Sounds TV", a Northwest TV show featuring local and national indie artists. "The Ocean Makes Her Cry'"was recently played on The Discovery Channels' "Strictly Sex With Dr. Drew: Am I Normal?" and his pop gem 'Junkie' was heard on a recent Johnny Knoxville's MTV special.
SA make great recordings, but they really excel in a live setting. Each member brings a unique aspect to the
SA sound.Frontman Regan Lane's theatrical performances, bassist Ken Schaff''s driving hard rock influences, Jason Bair's rocking military precision on drums, Ray Hayden's keyboard crush on all things prog rock and Sean Van Dommelen's crunchy white boy blues and Troy Moss’s southern tinged leads all collide together creating a sound that is familiar yet uniquely their own.. Lane’s charismatic presence and ability to get asses out of their seats and the obvious joy the band has playing live make for a kick ass show!