
RETCHED biography
Written by David DerMinasian founding member of RETCHED
I am the original founding member of the band formed in 1988 formerly known as AVATAR. I never liked that name to me it wasn't metal enough for me. We originally recorded this album in Fresno California U.S.A. at Maximus Media Inc. Shortly after recording the album we started playing local shows and doing some small gigs in the Los Angeles California area. We had a loyal group of dedicated fans from our home town in Fresno Ca. They would follow us to the shows in Hollywood Ca. and other spots in the Southern California. That was a six hundred mile round trip. It's obvious they really loved us and we loved them just as much because without your fan base what are you? Your fans are what make you and without them you are not successful. Well we were doing well as a band but we had the worst manager and he was inexperienced and literally gave us no promotion campaigns no marketing strategy no direction. Needless to say we were without sponsorship all the while we were playing just as good as anyone else. Shortly before the end of 1988 the band broke up and I never saw any of them again. I've been sitting on this album for near thirty years then I finally figured out how to release this record so I did on Band
It was only out for less than two months and I received three record contract offers. That blew me away just getting offers right away. I finally chose to go with Alone Records in Thessaloniki Greece
Since then I have decided put another thrash band together and call it
RETCHED pronounced: (recht’) The new lineup will be myself:
David A. DerMinasian on rhythm and lead guitar and bass and lead vocals
David Ezelle on drums – percussion and vocals.
You can go to these band and label links:
For purchasing CDs and Vinyls:
For streaming:
For band pages:
Promotional video:
Sales digital download:
RETCHED radio station:
Sound cloud: