Valerio Montelatici

Valerio Montelatici Bio Born in Rome, Italy, on April 4th, 1978. Valerio began playing guitar as a teenager, and together with some friends, formed a rock band, the “Hang Loose”. They started to compose their first original songs in English. The time with the "Hang Loose” lasted from 1996 to 2005, a period in which they produced 3 demos and an official EP released in 2005 for the label Blond Records. They performed many concerts, mainly in the clubs of the Italian capital, including Alpheus, Jail Break, Qube and Radio Londra Café. The dissolution of the band in 2005, was followed by a period of substantial inactivity, with some collaborations as a guitarist for alternative projects. In recent years, he has resumed composing, this time on his own and without the support of a band, thus starting a solo project, always focused on rock in English. Social media: valeriomontelatici/