Infernotion on @only_rock_radio




[Release date: 15th December 2017]

Basic Information

Year of formation: 2012

Genre: Black Metal

Location: Berlin (Germany)

Release date: 15th December 2017

Release format: Slim case

Special Edition with Lightscribe disc printing (4 units)

Members: Peisestratos (Guitars/Vocals)

Sven (Session Bassist)

Producer: Peisestratos

Cover design: Kossi



About the album „Habits“

1. Egotism | 2. Arrogance | 3. Envy | 4. Hypocrisy | 5. Collectivism | 6. Fear | 7. Faith

Mankind’s greatest danger comes from itself: The story of the 2nd INFERNOTION album ties in

with the result of an Unholy Insemination (described at the debut album). Plagued by a recurring

vision the progeny of the witch strikes out to find its own roots. This search leads through 7 of the

most harmful habits, whose real potential awakes when leaders and followers encounter. The bitter

truth behind this mission: Revealing these habits has unleashed the evil incarnate. It is in all of us…

Tracklist & Cover

1. Revelation

2. Center of the World

3. Waiting for Nemesis

4. Viscious Wishes

5. Master of Hypocrites

6. Uniform Will

7. Defective Instinct

8. Profit for the Prophet

9. Evil Incarnate


Built on the ruins of a rotten society, INFERNOTION is the embodiment of resignation and

frustration. However, the songs are more than pure raging grimness and decadent stupidity. What

you hear is intense emotion, which is generated by having a close look at this sick place where we

are living a.k.a. planet earth. But even the music of INFERNOTION is exposed to human abyss:

No one can escape. The madness is uncontrollable and all around us. You have to abandon.
